15 Jun 2017

Feast of St. George 2017 (26th - 28th May)

After months of prayer, anticipation and excitement, our much awaited Parish feast, hosted by 60 youth from our KCYM Unit began in the most wonderful manner with His excellency Bishop Mar Jose Puthenveetil hoisting the flag on Friday, 26th May.
The 3 days of feastal festivities saw hundreds of people, parishioners, family members, relatives, people from the neighbouring areas, flock to the church. Priests who had served in our church as brothers as well past vicars offered mass over the 3 days, that culminated with Father Moonjely offering the sermon on Sunday. The 60 youth, all dressed in uniform attire on both Saturday and Sunday, was a feast to the eyes, with even Father Moonjely commending them all for the effort taken, during the sermon on Sunday. The Drama & Dance performances on Friday as well as the first of its kind Laser Show (in our locality), were well received by the people. Snehavirunnu was held after the programmes on Friday. On Saturday as well as Sunday, the Feastal procession was a sight to behold. Decorations made by the KCYM members adorned the sides of the pathways through which the procession went by.
All in all, we KCYM can be very proud of the way the Feast of St. George was celebrated in our church. Let us all remember and thank our Beloved Saint George and God Almighty for having blessed us all and given favourable conditions in all respects for holding and conducting this years feast. Thank you God. God Bless you all.

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