3 Jul 2011

Youth Day Celebrations! July 3rd, Sunday

KCYM Secretary Mahesh Mathew unfurling the flag

The official kick off to the month long celebrations of World Youth Day was held today, after the 7am mass with the unfurling of the official KCYM flag, by our parish vicar Father Paul Kottackal in the presence of the Brother Jolly Thadathil, KCYM members and the parish members! In the absence of our president Shibin George, Secretary Mahesh Mathew, delivered the oath which was repeated by all the members and the official KCYM anthem was sung. This was followed by a light breakfast after which a small meeting was held. Mr. Santosh Sebastian, representing KCYM Basillica Forane, Mr. Tony Varghese, president KCYM St.Jude Church Unit and Mr. Mimil Varghese, president KCYM Shanthinagar Unit were special invitees for todays program. Fr. Paul Kottackal presided over the meeting in which the guests were welcomed and Mr. Sajan, who was to take a 2 hour session for the Youth was introduced to the audience by KCYM members Rijo George and Jithin Antony. The participants for the session which lasted for around 2 hours found Mr. Sajan's class very interesting and at the same time motivating! :)

Vicar Fr. Paul Kottackal addressing the parish members

KCYM members taking the oath

KCYM members taking the oath

Secretary Mahesh Mathew delivering the welcome address

Mr. Santosh Sebastian addressing the gathering

Mr. Tony Varghese addressing the gathering

Mr. Mimil Varghese addressing the gathering
Jithin Antony introducing Mr. Sajan

Mr. Sajan during his class

KCYM members actively taking part in the activities during Mr. Sajan's class

Sharing session which was held during the class

Ms. Vinny Vincent delivering the Vote of thanks

For the rest of the photos CLICK HERE


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