5 Jun 2011

Environment's Day Celebrations - 05.06.2011

The Environments Day Celebrations at St.George Church Chakkaraparambu was inaugurated by Fr. Paul Kottackal, Vicar in the presence of the parish members, Fr. George Theroorparambil and Brother Jomon Anamthuruthy. KCYM member Rijo Roy Nambiaparambil gave a short 5 minute talk on World Environment's Day, which was followed by, KCYM president Shibin Joseph Veliyil describing to the parish members the various programmes that were to follow. Father Paul Kottackal inaugurated the "Environment Wall", which was a 5 meter white cloth on which one could write down their views and opinions on World Environment Day or even draw them down. A lot the parish members actively took part in this activity, especially the kids who were very active and enthusiastic about it.

Rijo giving the talk on World Environment's Day.

The audience eagerly listening to KCYM president Shibin Joseph

Fr. Paul Kottackal inaugurating the "Environment Wall"

Kids actively participating!

To view the rest of the photos, CLICK HERE

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